Put the wind and the sun to work to your benefit!

Subscription of Enefit Green shares has ended

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Vajadus taastuvenergia järele aina kasvab

The need for renewable energy is growing, as more and more countries, people, companies and local municipalities are setting great targets for reducing their carbon emissions.

Rohelise energia laialdasem kasutuselevõtt

Wider use of green energy is the easiest way to reduce the CO2 footprint and achieve climate neutrality.

Enefit Green provides an attractive opportunity to invest in renewable energy in the Baltic Sea region

One of the leading diversified renewable energy producers in the Baltic Sea region

The largest wind energy producer in the Baltic States

A clear growth strategy

Solid and visible cash flow generation enabling strong dividend potential going forward

Our growth plan and role in reducing the CO2 footprint

With the money raised through the share offering, we plan to develop wind and solar parks so that people have enough electricity generated from renewable sources. In the Baltic States, Finland and Poland, the wind and the sun are the energy sources with the highest potential.

We wish to become the fastest growing renewable energy company in the region, providing environmentally friendly energy and helping to make the world a cleaner place. This is our way to make a significant contribution to the development of renewable energy in the region and to meeting national climate targets.

Suurendame tootmisvõimsust

Increasing production capacity

Our target is to increase our production capacity 2.3-fold by 2025.

Rohkem rohelist energiat

More green energy

By 2025, we aim to be able to cover the annual electricity needs of 890,000 households with the green electricity we produce.

Pikk kogemus

Long-term experience

We have nearly 20 years of experience in the development of renewable energy.

Täidame kasvavat nõudlust

Meeting the growing demand

A strategic partnership with our parent company allows to bring green electricity to a large number of consumers and thus hedge the risks when making investment decisions for new developments.


The Prospectus has been published in accordance with the requirements of EU Regulation 2017/1129 and is available on the websites of the Financial Supervision Authority and Enefit Green at www.fi.ee and www.enefitgreen.ee/ipo. The approval of the Prospectus by the Financial Supervision Authority is not considered as an approval for the securities to be offered.

Read the Prospectus


Subscription period HAS ENDED

From 5 Oct at 10:00 to 14 Oct 2021 at 14:00, investors had the opportunity to submit their subscription applications for participation in the public offering of shares.

First trading day

On or about 21 Oct 2021, trading in Enefit Green’s shares will begin on the Nasdaq Baltic Main List.

Not for distribution in the United States or in any other state where it would be unlawful. This communication is an advertisement for the purposes of the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and not a prospectus or an offer of securities for sale in the United States or any other jurisdiction where it would be unlawful. Before making an investment decision, the investors should read the prospectus approved by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (the “EFSA”) in order to fully understand the potential risks and rewards associated with the decision to invest in the shares of Enefit Green AS (the “Issuer”) and consult with an expert if necessary. The shares of the Issuer are offered publicly only in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The prospectus is available on the websites of the Issuer www.enefitgreen.ee/ipo and the EFSA at www.fi.ee respectively. The approval of the prospectus by the EFSA should not be understood as an endorsement of the shares.