Enefit Green starts the construction of solar power plants in Latvia


Enefit Green enters the Latvian solar power market and starts the installation of two solar power plants in Adazi and Carnikava, the western part of the country. The company is investing nearly nine million euros into these projects.

On Wednesday 22 November, Enefit Green made the final investment decision to invest nearly 9 million euros into two solar parks in Latvia – Austrumi 6 megawatts and Dzērves 11 megawatts.

Andres Maasing, the Management Board Member and Development Manager, says that entering the Latvian solar power market is a part of the company’s strategy. “Enefit Green is at the moment operating and constructing solar power plants in Estonia and Poland. Starting the construction of new solar parks in Latvia will not only increase Enefit Green’s production portfolio, but also helps to diversify it”, Maasing noted.

The total annual production of the solar power plants in Austrum and Dzērves per year is about 18 gigawatt-hours. In comparison, this covers the electricity needs of about 8500 households in Latvia. The solar power plants are expected to start generating electricity in the summer of next year. Enefit Green currently operates Valka and Broceni cogeneration plants and a pellet plant in Latvia.

Next, Enefit Green will enter into contracts with builders and suppliers. After that, preparations for construction will begin on the sites.

Maasing adds that the renewable energy market is clearly still growing in Latvia. “Renewable energy is a topical issue in Latvia, offering a sustainable and carbon-neutral solution. Wind and solar power are the cheapest and most accessible way to generate green electricity. Enefit Green has also started developing wind farms in Latvia. For example, in the areas of Dundaga and Alsunga, public discussions with the local community will take place in December,’ Maasing said.

Enefit Green currently has three more wind farms under construction in Lithuania, one in Estonia and one in Finland, with a total capacity of 525 megawatts. In addition to the investment decisions in Latvia, one solar park is under construction in Poland and two in Estonia, with a total capacity of 100 megawatts. In total, Enefit Green has invested nearly 790 million euros in the construction of new wind farms and solar parks.