Enefit Green invests nearly 150 million euros in the construction of the Kelme 2 wind farm
On Wednesday 6 December, Enefit Green made the final investment decision on the development of the 90 MW Kelme 2 wind farm in Lithuania. This is the second stage of a three-part development project.
According to Andres Maasing , Member of the Management Board and Chief Development Officer at Enefit Green, the investment decision will increase amount of green electricity and the reinforcement of the energy security and security of supply of Lithuania. “Despite difficult times in the global energy market, the need for new production capacities of renewable electricity persists,” Maasing said. “The output of the Kelme 2 wind farm will provide carbon-free electricity for Lithuania and its neighbours and help keep electricity affordable. Alongside the Kelme 1 wind farm, which is already under construction, Kelme 2 will provide the region with nearly 580 GWh of renewable electricity.”
The Kelme 2 wind farm is located in the western part of Lithuania. The 90 MW wind farm with 14 wind turbines will produce around 315 GWh of electricity per year and will be Enefit Green’s largest wind farm in Lithuania. If all goes according to plan, the wind farm will start production in 2025. In order to secure the investment required to build the wind farm, Enefit Green has signed long-term power purchase agreements.
Next, Enefit Green will enter into agreements with builders and suppliers. After the agreements are signed, preparations for construction will begin on the sites. Enefit Green will invest nearly 150 million euros in the construction of the Kelme 2 wind farm.
“In addition to Kelme 2, Enefit Green has three other wind farms under construction in Western Lithuania: Kelme 1, Silale 2 and Akmene,” said Maasing. “Wind farm development in Lithuania is facilitated by regulations with clear ambitions for growth as well as the fast handling of matters regarding planning and permits. Western Lithuania in particular has very good wind conditions, low population density and no restrictions arising from nature or national defence, so this is a suitable region for wind energy development,” he said, explaining why the new wind farm will be built in Lithuania.
In addition to Kelme 2 and other three wind farms in Lithuania that are under construction, Enefit Green is currently building one wind farm in Finland and one in Estonia, with a total capacity of 525 MW. Also we are buldingone solar farm in Poland, two in Latvia and two in Estonia, with a total capacity of 100 MW. In total, Enefit Green has invested nearly 790 million euros in the construction of new wind and solar farms.