The first wind turbines were erected in Enefit Green’s largest wind farm in Lithuania


Enefit Green erected the first 230-metre wind turbines in Kelme I wind farm (80 MW) located in Western Lithuania. A total of 14 wind turbines will be installed, which will start producing about 270 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy per year.

To date, the wind turbine manufacturer Nordex has transported the turbine towers, blades and nacelles by ship from different parts of the world to the Port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. As there are 14 wind turbines and their components are large, transporting them from the port to Kelme wind farm will take about a month. In parallel with the transport, Nordex is already assembling the wind turbines from the parts that have arrived.

The erection of the wind turbines started in February and, as of today, the first one has reached its full height. The height of the tower of the wind turbine is 140 metres and the height of the peak is 230 metres, so the erection of 14 turbines will take several months. “During the construction of the wind farm, several works are carried out at the same time, for example at the moment we are also building the last roads and foundations of the wind turbines. The construction of such a large wind farm requires good planning, accuracy and quick exchange of information with subcontractors. We will do our best to be able to start producing green energy in the new farm by the end of this year. The farm should be fully completed next year,” claims Lauri Ulm, the Head of Wind Developments at Enefit Green.


Kelme district is one of the largest regions of renewable energy development in Lithuania and the three-part Kelme wind farm will in turn be Enefit Green's largest development project.

The wind farm will be built by NOBE, TIS, DS-1 and Merko. The wind turbines are manufactured and installed by Nordex, one of the best-known wind turbine manufacturers in the Nordic countries.

The next phases of the Kelme project will provide a capacity of 87 MW to 150 MW. When completed, all three wind farms will provide a total capacity of more than 300 MW and will produce a total of nearly 1,100 GWh of green energy.

Enefit Green is investing nearly €300 million in the construction of the first two phases of the wind farm.

See from the photos how the first wind turbine of Kelme I wind farm was erected

See from the video how wind turbine components were transported at night from Klaipeda port to Kelme wind farm: